At Sonoma Girls Softball Association, we believe that coaching is a critical component of the youth sports experience. We are dedicated to providing coaches with the necessary resources to help young softball players grow and achieve their full potential. By sharing our knowledge and expertise, we aim to empower coaches at every level, and give them the tools they need to help their players develop the necessary skills to succeed.
Mandatory Training

HEADS UP to Youth Sports is a free, online course available to coaches, parents, sports officials, athletic trainers, and others helping to keep athletes safe from concussion.
RegisterUSASoftball.com is the online membership website for USA Softball.
Mandated Reporter Training - In order to maintain compliance with California State laws for mandated reporters, the general training course is now a required prerequisite for all of the profession-specific trainings.
All 3 steps will need to be completed prior to the start of your first practice.
We aim to provide you with everything you need to succeed in your role – from access to top-class resources to continued mentoring and support. Reach out to our team today to see how you can be a part of the exciting opportunities here at SGSA.